This was a crazy day even by my standards.. I talked about how to raise money, spent time on the teenage expo podcast, delivered my insights on parenting, got interviewed by ABC, met with an up-and-coming artist, gave advice to a big influencer, talked about investing, did a final run through for Agent2021, met with a teacher, did an interview for Cheddar and managed a few pivotal 1:1’s with some close employees. It was a pretty epic day and hopefully illustrates some of what I mean by making sure every minute counts.
But the thing is, and what I have been thinking about through this Veecap is the unbelievable practicality of documenting vs. creating. God forbid the advice I gave to Toney Jackson at the end of the episode about seizing his moment and having the mental model to say “yes” instead of “no” might just be the unlock that changes his, or your* career.
More of you need to get comfortable with allowing others to know what you are up to in work and life. It’s my paramount thesis of no matter who you are or what you do, your job is to tell your story and document vs create is the way to get there. Every single day I meet entrepreneurs and executives and artists who complain that they don’t have the infrastructure to produce content around what they do. They tell me that they need there own “Drock” or “Babin” or “Iris” and it’s just not true.
You don’t need a fucking Drock. Look at the beginning of this episode. My videographer for the day wasn’t with me that morning because my schedule changed so I pulled out my iphone and went straight to face. I documented with what I had. I run a 150M dollar agency on a smartphone. You all have the resources that you need!
And the beauty of it all is that when you document every moment you have a catalogue of content that can be relevant today and in 5 years when it all really happens. It’s fun to look back and see what I said before it became “real.” It’s fun to look at how I’ve made predictions about the rise of audio and voice, or influencer marketing, or social media itself 10 years ago.
And my hope is that some of the insights in these episodes and meetings and rants can actually help 1 or 2 of you. By documenting my life I’m giving you an inside look into the exact conversation that went down with me and an artist or me and another entrepreneur.
Whether that be my thoughts on parenting or just simply how I conduct business for real.
Documenting your journey versus creating an image of yourself is the difference between saying “You should…” versus “my intuition says…” because my actions reflect. Get it? It changes everything. I believe that the people who are willing to discuss their journeys instead of trying to front themselves as the “next big thing” are really going to win.
Starting is the most important part and the biggest hurdle that most people are facing. They’re pondering and strategizing instead of making. They’re debating what’s going to happen when they haven’t even looked at what’s in front of them.
Just go out and record. I promise it will help you start.
VaynerMedia, New York
The Guest List:
Sonya and Sacha from the Teenage expo podcast
Anna Victoria – Fitness Entrepreneur
Toney Jackson – Professor and Poet
Phil Toronto – Vayner/RSE
Maribel Lara VM Employee
Jon Steinberg from Cheddar
Moments Not to Miss from the Episode!
Thanks for watching
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