#QOTD: What is your favorite email list that you’re on right now? Not of all time, right now.
#TIMESTAMPS 2:29 – If you were a college graduate today and didn’t have your family business, how would you handle the job market? 10:26 – We are planning a summit in September. Without having a big following or brand equity, how do we approach companies to participate? 13:02 – When are you going to make an app? And what would it be like? Why not have a jab jab jab app? 15:47 – How should small businesses be using Snapchat? 17:42 – In your first book, you talked about letting your audience decide if they want to get to you know more rather than persuading them. But when it comes to email marketing, how do you make connections without be too persuasive?
#LINKS ADVICE I GIVE TO MYSELF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oc_w…